5 Tips for Running Your AC This Summer In Naples, FL
It’s no secret that it can get hot and humid during the summer in Naples, FL. Higher temperatures mean higher cooling costs for many people. There are easy ways to help keep your home cool. Here are five tips to help your AC keep you cool this summer.
Clean the AC Unit
Before running the air conditioner, make sure to clean both the exterior and interior of the AC, as well as clear the condensation lines. Make sure to change the filters once a month.
Check Ventilation
Proper vents and fans will remove the heat and humidity from the house. Without functioning venting and fans, the home will become a sauna after every load of laundry and shower.
There is a way to test your exhaust fans with a single square of toilet paper. Take the square and place it on the vent when the fan is running. If the fan keeps the toilet paper there, then it is good to go.
Start Early
In the early morning, close the blinds and curtains in rooms that receive direct sunlight in the morning. That way, the home will stay cooler. You can also experiment with opening blinds and curtains on the sides of the house that are still in shadow, which will let light in but not the heat.
Seal the House
Caulk and weatherstrip around windows and doors. This prevents more exterior heat from finding its way into your home.
Install Thermostats Properly
Thermostats let you set how cool you want the rooms. Thermostat placement is important as well. Placing the thermostat near a window provides an incorrect reading of the room temperature, which keeps the thermostat on longer.
When it comes to staying cool in the summer in Naples, FL, ensure your AC is ready to handle the heat. If you need your air conditioner repaired or a central air conditioning unit installed, contact JP Brett & Sons Air Conditioning for your AC installation and repair needs so you can experience your most comfortable summer.
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