Break These 3 Habits and Clean Your Indoor Air in Naples, FL
Low indoor air quality (IAQ) can be a significant threat to the comfort, health and even safety of homeowners in Naples, FL. Unfortunately, many IAQ problems result directly from people’s bad habits. Let us show you how eliminating the following three bad habits can improve your indoor air quality:
Not Cleaning Your Pets
Pets pose some of the gravest threats to IAQ. Many of them shed their hair and dander constantly as they move about, and these things get into the air you breathe and your HVAC system. When the latter happens, the debris in the ducts, filters, and other parts harms the system’s functioning and diminishes its ability to clean your air.
So, if you own pets, you have to clean them. Adopt a regular bathing and brushing schedule for them, and carefully dispose of all the hair you remove after brushing them. If your pets have recently been outside, clean them immediately after they return indoors.
Ignoring HVAC Maintenance
Scheduling HVAC maintenance once or twice per year is one of the best home-related decisions you can make. Not only will this ensure that your system has longevity and functions effectively, but it can also boost your indoor air quality.
You also need to change your HVAC filters every 30 to 90 days. Without maintenance for your system’s critical parts, dirt will accumulate in them and eventually find its way into your home.
Not Buying Indoor Air Quality Tools
HVAC systems have some ability to clean indoor air, but it’s a mistake to rely on them completely. Supplement them with things like air purifiers and air scrubbers to boost your indoor air quality to the next level. Air scrubbers typically have substantially more powerful filters than HVAC systems.
Understanding the habits that worsen indoor air quality is the first step to breaking them. Next, call JP Brett & Sons Air Conditioning and Heating to learn more about our IAQ services.
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