3 Troublesome Consequences of Poor IAQ in Immokalee, FL
Airborne pollutants can turn a comfortable home into a hothouse of disease and discomfort. It’s crucial for people to boost the indoor air quality (IAQ) in their homes. Here are three troublesome consequences that homeowners in Immokalee, FL, might face if they ignore their IAQ:
Poor Respiratory Health
The worse your IAQ, the more pollutants you will inhale while at home. If your IAQ-related difficulties are serious and last long enough, you may end up doing lasting damage to your respiratory system, possibly even contracting diseases like cancer and COPD. Even in less severe cases, you may experience respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath.
Allergy Symptoms
Many airborne pollutants also function as allergens. Dust, pollen and pet dander all fall into this category. If these things proliferate through the air and drag down your IAQ, they may violently inflame any latent allergies that you suffer.
Inefficient HVAC Functioning
Low IAQ can also damage your HVAC system. The very same airborne pollutants that can float into your sinuses and lungs can also find their way into your HVAC system’s ducts, filters and other essential components. When that happens, these pollutants will curtail airflow and keep those components from working at their full potential.
Ultimately, these issues will decrease your HVAC system’s efficiency, which will raise your utility bills and increase the likelihood of a premature breakdown. To clean pollutants out of your HVAC system, you will need to change your filters every three months and schedule annual maintenance. To keep contaminants from getting into the air in the first place, you may want to invest in some air purifiers.
Staying cool through the hot weather in Immokalee, FL, is challenging enough. There’s no need to compound your trouble by giving yourself IAQ issues to deal with. Call JP Brett & Sons Air Conditioning and Heating to ask for our IAQ services and breathe a sigh of relief today.
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