5 Ways to Extend Your Heat Pump Lifespan in Naples, FL

A heat pump helps you stay warm or cool by directing warm air to different places. With proper care, yours should last for up to 15 years. Keep reading to find some simple tips on how to extend the lifespan of your heat pump in Naples, FL.

Take Care of the Outdoor Unit

Heat pumps have a chassis outside that protects them from the elements. Check this component at least once every month and look for any debris or damage. Pay special attention to plants and trees that grow nearby because they can infiltrate the system.

Use a Consistent Temperature

You likely change the temperature a few times a day, but using a consistent temperature helps the heat pump last longer. Aim for around 78 degrees when it’s warm, whether it’s day or night. You can also use a smart thermostat to automatically adjust the settings to maintain a specific temperature of your choosing.

Change the Filter

The air filter has an important job because it blocks particles and keeps dust away from the system. When the filter is dirty, the system will cycle erratically, leading to strenuous operation and higher energy bills. You usually need to clean or change the filter every 90 days. If you have pets in your house, check it every month.

Watch for Signs of Issues

Always watch for signs of an issue with your heat pump, including grinding or other loud noises. Also stay alert to strange smells like musty or burning odors. Poor airflow and higher energy bills when running your HVAC system are other signs you need to call us. Small repairs today protect the heat pump from more extensive repairs later.

Making repairs right away is a big part of extending the lifespan of your heat pump. Call JP Brett & Sons Air Conditioning and Heating to learn about our HVAC services today.

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